GDPR training for businesses

In view of the great responsibility that rests on those who verify the correctness of the protection of personal data, it is vital that employees entrusted with such duties are responsible and properly prepared to fulfil them. Such preparation may be provided through our GDPR training.

Benefit from the training on the GDPR we provide to businesses. Our offer includes professional personal data protection services for companies. Our training courses will ensure that you gain comprehensive knowledge in the area of the GDPR.

The GDPR – what is it? Who needs to apply the provisions of the GDPR?

The GDPR is the EU Data Protection Regulation. The provisions of the GDPR have been in force since 2018 and are binding on all authorities, companies and businesses across the European Union. This means that all companies in Poland are also obliged to comply with the provisions of the GDPR. Unfortunately, not everyone is aware of this. Even worse – there are severe, often multi-million fines for non-compliance with the GDPR. If you do not know how to implement GDPR-related procedures in your company, benefit from our offer and choose the GDPR training, which will help you understand all the key issues.

Who should take our GDPR training course?

GDPR training courses are dedicated to business owners, enterprises, budgetary units and other workplaces. The course can be taught to an entire company or individual employees. We particularly recommend the GDPR training course to HR professionals, as they apply the provisions of labour law on a daily basis and most GDPR-related changes and obligations fall within their scope of work.

The GDPR training course can be taken by:

  • the business owner,
  • all employees,
  • personnel department, human resources, or accounting staff,
  • the employee designated for GDPR matters (GDPR officer),
  • administrative staff.

What will you gain from taking the GDPR training course?

Due to the provisions of the GDPR, training on personal data protection is essential for employees who apply the provisions of labour law on a daily basis. With our GDPR training for businesses, you will gain confidence that your company has adjusted its procedures and documentation to the current state of the law. The changes in the GDPR bring about not only the requirement for specific behaviours, but also the need to complete a range of HR-related documents. If you decide to take our GDPR training course, you will gain expert and comprehensive knowledge on the necessary authorisations, orders, consents and other formalities that need to be completed and recorded on file.

Our GDPR training for businesses stands for:

  • a comprehensive take on personal data protection,
  • theoretical knowledge and practical workshops,
  • an excellent tool for improving staff competence,
  • action that translates into the security of data of employees, customers, and business partners,
  • minimising the risk of data leakage,
  • minimising the likelihood of inspections and high penalties.

We are now sharing with you the introduction to the GDPR training course: 24 basic GDPR-related requirements for your company

GDPR training for businesses

GDPR training – responsibility for the GDPR-related matters in a company:

The persons responsible for the processing of personal data in accordance with the law within a specific organisational structure of a company or institution are Personal Data Controllers (PDCs) and Data Protection Officers (DPOs). DPOs are appointed by PDCs. They have the obligation:

  • to secure data against unauthorised access, loss, destruction, and taking over by an unauthorised person. To this end, it is necessary to introduce appropriate technical and organisational procedures.
  • to take particular care when processing data to ensure that the interests of data subjects are adequately secured. Information should be processed in a lawful manner, for a specific purpose and in accordance with that purpose, and at a specific time.
  • to inform data subjects about the acquisition of their data.
  • to maintain documentation related to the processing of data sets, i.e. a security policy, IT system management manual, documents related to the appointment of the Data Protection Officer (DPO), a record of persons authorised to process data.

Basic legislation:

The matters related to personal data protection at the European level are regulated by the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (GDPR).

In Poland, separate national rules in this respect are set out in the Act of 10 May 2018 on the Protection of Personal Data, Dz.U. [Journal of Laws] 2018 item 1000. In the Polish legal order, there are additional regulations and ordinances clarifying issues relating to personal data protection.

Supervision of data protection in companies:

In the light of the applicable legal norms, the processing of personal data (including sensitive data) is supervised by specially designated units. In Poland, this role is performed by the Personal Data Protection Office. Its job it is to ensure that activities comply with legal regulations regarding the collection, recording, storage, alteration, making available, and deletion of personal data. This should take into account the use of traditional and IT methods. The resulting data set, structured on the basis of certain criteria, is subject to protection, regardless of whether it is distributed or divided into parts based on function.